Publications of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
(ONLINE) ISSN 2436-1267
(PRINT) ISSN 0915-3640
For submission, please refer to the announcements from the NAOJ Publications Committee:
Submission Rules and Manuscript Format (Japanese language).
Starting with Volume 21 of “Report of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan” and Volume 15 of “Publications of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan”, these series be published in digital form only.
Volume 16
(Mar. 2022)
Volume 15
(Oct. 2020)
Volume 14
(Oct. 2017)
- Image List of Kiso Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies (PDF 313KB)
Volume 13
No.3-4 (Jun. 2011)
- Performance of VERA in the Phase-Referencing Astrometry (PDF 2.5MB)
- PSF Analysis of 7 Years’ Subaru/Suprime-Cam Data (PDF 1.4MB)
No.1-2 (Apr. 2010)
- Nonlinearity in the Detector used in the Subaru Telescope High Dispersion Spectrograph (PDF 9MB)
- Comprehensive Catalogue of Kiso Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies (PDF 7.6MB)
Volume 12
No.1-4 (Apr. 2009)
- Re-analysis of the First Fringe with 2-Beam in the VERA System from the Archive Data (PDF 1.6MB)
- Fireball Monitoring Observation at the Kiso Observatory (PDF 40MB)
Volume 11
No.3-4 (Oct. 2008)
No.1-2 (Apr. 2008)
Volume 10
No.1-4 (Oct. 2007)
- The Fiber Multi-Object Spectrograph for the Okayama 188cm Telescope - Development and Observation - (PDF 0.75MB)
- An Approach Detecting the Event Horizon of Sgr A* (PDF 0.35MB)
- Thermal and Wind Effects on the Azimuth Axis Tilt of the ASTE 10-m Antenna (PDF 0.9MB)
Volume 9
No.3-4 (Apr. 2007)
- Trends in 20th Century Celestial Mechanics (PDF 0.6MB)
No.1-2 (Apr. 2006)
- The Second Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. VI (PDF 1.2MB)
- Photopolarimetric Measurement System of Mueller Matrix with Dual Rotating Waveplates (PDF 0.8MB)
- Tolerance Test of a Sample Filter for Use in Space (PDF 3.0MB)
Volume 8
No.1-4 (Oct. 2005)
- The Second Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. V (PDF 2.9MB)
- Inaccuracies of Trigonometric Functions in Computer Mathematical Libraries (PDF 2.9MB)
Volume 7
No.4 (Apr. 2005)
- Catalogue of Persistent Trains II: Images of Leonid Meteor Trains during the METRO Campaign 1998-2002 (PDF 23.5MB)
No.3 (Apr. 2004)
No.2 (Sep. 2003)
- Temperature Control for the Primary Mirror of Subaru Telescope using the Data from 'Forecast for Mauna Kea Observatories' (PDF 0.8MB)
- A Performance Characterization System for Suprime-Cam Filters (PDF 0.7MB)
- The Second Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. IV (PDF 2.2MB)
No.1 (Mar. 2003)
Volume 6
No.4 (Sep. 2002)
- Limb Profiles of the Moon from Grazing Occultation Observations Collected at RGO (PDF 1.2MB)
- The Secong Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. III (PDF 1.7MB)
No.3 (Sep. 2001)
No.2 (Mar. 2001)
- A Very Wide-Field CCD Camera for Kiso Schmidt Telescope (PDF 0.7MB)
- An Image Evaluation System for Subaru Telescope data Archive (PDF 1MB)
- A High-Precision Angle Encoder for a 10-m Submillimeter Antenna (PDF 0.5MB)
No.1 (Mar. 2000)
Volume 5
No.4 (Sep. 199))
- Thermal Effects on the Pointing of the Nobeyama 45-m Telescope
- A Search for Cool Carbon Stars. VII. Vulpecula(l ~ 60deg)Region
No.3 (Mar. 1999)
- Limb Profiles of the Moon Obtained from Grazing Occulation Observations
- Emission Line Intensities of the Solar Corona and Sky Brightness Observed at Norikura: 1950-1997
No.2 (Mar. 1998)
No.1 (Aug. 1997)
Volume 4
No.4 (Mar. 1997)
No.3 (Jul. 1996)
- Development of an Absolute Gravimeter with a Rotating Vacuum Pipe and Study of Gravity Variation.
- Spectral Indexes of Cool Carbon Stars in the Near-Infrared Region. III.
No.2 (Feb. 1996)
- An Archival System for Observational Data Obtained at the Okayama and Kiso Observatories. II.
- Photographic Observations and Improvements of the Orbital Elements of Seven Saturnian Satellites. I. Reduction Method and Results of Observations during the 1970 and 1971 Oppositions.
- Speckle Observations of Visual and Spectroscopic Binaries. VI.
No.1 (Feb. 1995)
Volume 3
No.4 (Oct. 1994)
No.3 (1993)
- A Search for Cool Carbon Stars, VI. Monoceros(l~210deg) Region.
- Evaluation of the Data Obtained by the Free Rise-and-Fall Type Absolute Gravimeter at Mizusawa.
No.2 (Oct. 1993)
- Spectroscopic Observations of Symbiotic Stars AG Pegasi, CH Cygni and PU Volpeculae.
- Development of “FIBERTRANSIT”-Fiber Linked Multi-Object-Spectroscopy System.
- Photographic Observations of Comet Levy 1990XX at the Kiso Observatory.
- Cross-Identification between the Recent Astrometric Catalogues ACRS and PPM.
- Speckle Observations of Visual and Spectroscopic Binaries. V.
- Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. XVIII.
No.1 (Mar. 1993)
- UBV Photometry of Barium Stars.
- Manufacturing Tolerances and Alignment Sensitivities of SUBARU Two-Mirror System.
- Allowable Manufacturing Errors of JNLT Estimated by Means of the Third Order Aberration Coefficients.
- A Study on the Specification and Performance of the JNLT 8m Mirror Optics.
- Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. XVII.
- The Tokyo PMC Catalog 89: Catalog of Positions of 3466 Stars Observed in 1989 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle.
Volume 2
No.4 (Sep. 1992)
- Specifications of Homogeneity of Glass Material for Primary Corrector of the SUBARU Telescope.
- Optimization of the Mirror-Corrector System of the SUBARU Telescope.
- Speckle Observations of Visual and Spectroscopic Binaries. IV.
- Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. XVI.
- Photographic Observations of the Synchronic Band in the Tail of Comet West 1976 VI.
No.3 (Mar. 1992)
- Application of Diffraction Theory to Telescope Optics.
- Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. XV.
- Spectral Indexes of Cool Carbon Stars in the Near-Infrared Region. II.
- Speckle Observations of Visual and Spectroscopic Binaries. III.
- The Tokyo PMC Catalog 88: Catalog of Positions of 3800 Stars Observed in 1988 and Planetary Positions Observed in 1986 t o1988 with Tokyo Phtoelectric Meridian Circle.
- Performance of SUBARU Telescope in 0.3-30 Microns.
No.2 (Oct. 1991)
- Emission Lines in the Spectra of the 3B Flare of September 19, 1979.
- An Image Processing Technique for Background Subtraction and its Application to Comet Austin 1989cl.
- Near-Nucleus Imaging Observation of Comet P/Brorsen-Metcalf 1989o.
- A Search for Cool Carbon Stars. V. Perseus-Camelopardaris (l~150deg) Region.
- Selection of Standard Stars for Photometric Observations with the 91-cm Reflector at Okayama.
- Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. XIV.
- Near-Nucleus Imaging Observation of Comet Austin 1989cl.
- Cosmo-DICE: Dynamical Investigation of Cometary Evolution.
No.1 (Mar. 1991)
- The Spectrum of CH Cygni in 1984-1987.
- Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. XII.
- Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. XIII.
- Statistical Circumstances of Comet Discovery.
- The Tokyo PMC Catalog 87: Catalog of Positions of 5748 Stars Observed in 1987 with Tokyo Phtoelectric Meridian Circle.
Volume 1
No.4 (Dec. 1990)
- A Large and Complex Flare on 3 February 1982.
- Photoelectric Monitoring of Flare Stars AD Leo, EV Lac and YZ CMi from 1985 to 1988.
- Photographic Observations of Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock 1983VII.
- Archival Catalogue of Brashear Astrographic Plates.
- Speckle Observations of Visual and Spectroscopic Binaries. II.
- Turbulent Phenomena of Plasma Tail Appearing in the Comet Brorsen-Metcalf and the Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko.
No.3 (Feb. 1990)
- Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. XI.
- A Search for Cool Carbon Stars. IV. Serpens-Aquila-Scutum (l~30deg) Region.
- Speckle Observations of Visual and Spectroscopic Binaries. I.
- On a Relation between the Reference Frame of the Fourth Fundamental Catalogue and a Dynamicala Reference Frame of New Planetary Theory VSOP82, and Improvements of Orbital Elements of Outer Planets.
- Spectral Indexes of Cool Carbon Stars in the Near-Infrared Region. I.
- An Observational Study of Shakhbazyan's Compact Groups of Galaxies II. SCGG 202, 205, 223, 245, and 348.
No.2 (Sep. 1989)
- Photographic Observations of Comet Bradfield 1987XXIX at the Kiso Observatory.
- Characteristics of Three-Lens Corrector for the Primary Focus of a Large Telescope. II.
- Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. X.
- The Tokyo PMC Catalog 86: Catalog of Positions of 3974 Stars Observed in 1986 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle.
- Eruptive Prominence of January 30, 1989.
No.1 (Mar. 1989)
- Vibrational Eigen-Modes of the 7.5-m Thin Meniscus Mirror with Axial and Lateral Fixed Points.
- Kiso Survey for Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies. IX.
- The Gravity-Darkening of Highly Distorted Stars in Close Binary Systems. VII. Rediscussion of A, F and G-Type Main-Sequence Components in Detached Systems.
- Active Optics Experiments I. Shack-Hartmann Wave-Front Analyzer to Measure F/5 Mirrors
- Active Optics Experiments II. Meaurement of Mirror Deformation by Holographic Method.
- Active Optics Experiments III. Feasibility of Controlling the Figure of a Mirror at Tilted Orientations.