Science January 15, 2025
Super-Earth vs. Sub-Neptune? The Winner is Super-Venus!
New observational data from the James Webb Space Telescope and simulation models have confirmed a new type of planet unlike anything found in the Solar System. This provides another piece of the puzzle to understand how planets and planetary systems form.
Science December 13, 2024
Planets Form Through Domino Effect
New radio astronomy observations of a planetary system in the process of forming show that once the first planets form close to the central star, these planets can help shepherd the material to form new planets farther out. In this way each planet helps to form the next, like a line of falling dominos each triggering the next in turn.
Science October 25, 2024
Re-analysis of Data from Milky Way Central Supermassive Black Hole Observations
A research team led by Assistant Professor Makoto Miyoshi of the NAOJ has independently re-analyzed observation data of the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy obtained and published by the international joint observation project EHT. They found that the structure is slightly elongated in the east-west direction. This research takes a new look at the publicly available EHT data and demonstrates the scientific process in which the certainty of the answer increases as different researchers continue to examine and discuss a theory.
Science September 5, 2024
Outer Solar System More Populated than We Thought
Observations of the outer Solar System with the Subaru Telescope have discovered new bodies where none were expected. The new objects are likely members of a much larger population waiting to be discovered. This discovery has profound implications for our understanding of the structure and history of the Solar System. First and foremost, it suggests that the Solar System has more in common with other planetary systems, which in turn has implications on our search for life outside of the Solar System.
Science August 30, 2024
Dancing Galaxies Make a Monster at the Cosmic Dawn
Astronomers have spotted a pair of galaxies in the act of merging 12.8 billion years ago. The characteristics of these galaxies indicate that the merger will form a monster galaxy, one of the brightest types of objects in the Universe. These results are important for understanding the early evolution of galaxies and black holes in the early Universe.
Science May 31, 2024
Simulations Yield New Intermediate Mass Black Holes Recipe
The first star-by-star simulations of globular cluster formation show that massive star collisions can start a runaway process resulting in the formation of intermediate-mass black holes. These results can help explain the origins of this rare type of black holes.
Science May 24, 2024
Earth Twin or Evil Twin
The discovery of a planet similar to Venus around a star in the neighborhood of the Solar System raises hopes that astronomers may someday unlock the secret to why life appeared on Earth.
Science May 10, 2024
ONe Nova to Rule Them All
Astronomers have proposed a new theory to explain the origin of phosphorus, one of the elements important for life on Earth. The theory suggests a type of stellar explosion known as ONe novae as a major source of phosphorus.
Science April 11, 2024
Twinkle Twinkle Baby Star, ‘Sneezes’ Tell us How You Are
Astronomers have discovered the remnants of powerful ‘sneezes’ expelling gas, dust, and electromagnetic energy around stars in the process of forming. The team believes these sneezes help the baby star expel excess magnetic flux, and as such may play a vital role in enabling the star to form.
Science April 8, 2024
Inexplicable Flying Fox found in Hydra Galaxy Cluster
High sensitivity radio observations have discovered a cloud of magnetized plasma in the Hydra galaxy cluster. The odd location and shape of this plasma defy all conventional explanations. Dubbed the Flying Fox based on its silhouette, this plasma will remain a mystery until additional observations can provide more insight.