For Students
Graduate Level Education at NAOJ
Graduate Student Education
NAOJ forms the core of the Astronomical Science Program of the Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI. NAOJ also cooperates with the Graduate School of Science of the University of Tokyo to educate graduate students. In addition, graduate students from other universities study at NAOJ. Through these educational activities, NAOJ contributes to fostering the education of graduate students in a variety of leading research fields.
NAOJ Special Inter-Institutional Research Fellows
NAOJ accepts graduate students as Special Inter-Institutional Research Fellows at the request of national, public and private universities in Japan and provides them with research guidance.
Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI), Astronomical Science Program
You can study at National Astronomical Observatory of Japan(NAOJ) as a student of the Astronomical Science Program ,the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI). There are two types of programs: a five-year doctoral program for bachelor's degree holders and a three-year doctoral program for master's degree holders.
Graduate University for Advanced Studies(SOKENDAI), Astronomical Science Program
Event Announcements
There are no announcements at this time.
NAOJ-GLOBAL— NAOJ Office of International Relations
Shaping the Future of Astronomy - At the Office of International Relations, we strive to contribute to the development of astronomical research by promoting international cooperation not only between NAOJ and overseas organizations, but also between people.
Information about the security access control system for NAOJ Mitaka buildings
Using the NAOJ Library
Permission for using Images and Videos in Presentations
Images can be downloaded from the NAOJ gallery and the galleries of individual projects. Please be aware that in some cases images related to research result announcements appear only on the research announcement page and not in the gallery.
Notice about the Image Use Policy
To use NAOJ images in research presentations or lectures, there is no need to apply for permission. Please credit the images “(c) NAOJ” or “Courtesy of NAOJ.” Even for paid lectures, as long as the lectures are for educational purposes, there is still no need to apply for permission.