Science October 10, 2023
First Scientific Results from GALAXY CRUISE
The citizen science project GALAXY CRUISE has yielded its first scientific paper. The results show unambiguously that the star formation rate is enhanced in colliding galaxies. This research was made possible by the approximately 10,000 citizen astronomers who helped classify galaxies in data from Subaru Telescope.
Science October 6, 2023
Astronomers Discover First Step Toward Planet Formation
Astronomers have gotten very good at spotting the signs of planet formation around stars. But for a complete understanding of planet formation, we also need to study examples where planet formation has not yet started. Looking for something and not finding it can be even more difficult than finding it sometimes, but new detailed observations of the young star DG Taurus show that it has a smooth protoplanetary disk without signs of planet formation. This successful non-detection of planet formation may indicate that DG Taurus is on the eve of planet formation.
Science September 28, 2023
New Proof for Black Hole Spin
The supermassive black hole at the heart of galaxy M87, made famous by the first picture of a black hole shadow, has yielded another first: the jet shooting out from the black hole has been confirmed to wobble, providing direct proof that the black hole is spinning.
Science September 15, 2023
Supermassive Black Holes Alter Galactic Chemistry
New research shows that the supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy can have a direct impact on the chemical distribution of the host galaxy. This provides another piece of the puzzle for understanding how galaxies evolve.
Science September 7, 2023
New Cosmological Constraints on the Nature of Dark Matter
New research has revealed the distribution of dark matter in never before seen detail, down to a scale of 30,000 light-years. The observed distribution fluctuations provide better constraints on the nature of dark matter.
Science August 21, 2023
Rewriting the Past and Future of the Universe
New research has improved the accuracy of the parameters governing the expansion of the Universe. More accurate parameters will help astronomers determine how the Universe grew to its current state, and how it will evolve in the future.
Science August 8, 2023
Accurate Measurement of Permittivity Advances Radio Telescope Receivers and Next Generation Telecommunication Networks
Researchers invented a novel method to measure the permittivity of insulators 100 times more accurately than before. This technology is expected to contribute to the efficient development of sensitive radio receivers for radio telescopes as well as to the development of devices for the next generation communication networks, “Beyond 5G/6G.”
Science August 4, 2023
Gas Streamers Feed Triple Baby Stars
New observations and simulations of three spiral arms of gas feeding material to three protostars forming in a trinary system have clarified the formation of multi-star systems.
Science July 19, 2023
VERA Unveils Surroundings of Rapidly Growing Black Holes
An international team of astronomers used the state-of-the-art capability of VERA, a Japanese network of radio telescopes operated by NAOJ, to uncover valuable clues about how rapidly growing “young” supermassive black holes form, grow, and possibly evolve into more powerful quasars.
This article is including a link to a article for kids.
Science July 14, 2023
Stellar Cradles and Graves Seen in Farthest Galaxy Ever
New observations using the ALMA have distinguished the sites of star formation and a possible site of star death from the surrounding nebula in a galaxy 13.2 billion light-years away. This is the farthest that such structures have been observed.