Topics February 20, 2021
CLASP2 Team Receives NASA/MSFC Group Achievement Honor Award
The Japan-US-Europe Joint Rocket Experiment (CLASP2) team received the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Group Achievement Honor Award from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Topics January 13, 2021
A new-year’s message from the Director General, NAOJ
A new-year’s message from the Director General of NAOJ, Dr. Saku Tsuneta
Topics December 18, 2020
The Subaru Telescope Photographs the Next Target Asteroid for Hayabusa2
On December 10, 2020 (Hawaiʻi Standard Time), the Subaru Telescope imaged the small asteroid 1998 KY26, the target of Hayabusa2’s extended mission.
Topics November 26, 2020
The Subaru Telescope Hails Return of Hayabusa2
On November 20, 2020 (HST), the Subaru Telescope captured Hayabusa2 on its way back to Earth after exploring the asteroid (162173) Ryugu.
Topics September 11, 2020
Kilonova Research Wins 2019 PASJ Excellent Paper Award
A research paper identifying massive explosions known as kilonovae as sources of heavy elements, received the 2019 PASJ Excellent Paper Award.
Topics September 8, 2020
The 6-m Millimeter-Wave Radio Telescope Added to Japan Astronomical Heritage List
The 6-m Millimeter-Wave Radio Telescope, which laid the foundation for Japanese radio astronomy, has been added to the 2019 (second) Japan Astronomical Heritage list.
Topics July 20, 2020
Japanese Amateur Astronomers Discovers New Nova in Sagittarius
A Japanese amateur astronomer, Shigehisa Fujikawa discovered a new object in Sagittarius on the night of July 16, 2020 (JST) and communicated it to the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
Topics July 17, 2020
Munehito Shoda Wins International Astronomical Union PhD Prize
Munetoshi Shoda (JSPS Research Fellow) at the Solar Science Observatory of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) was awarded the 2019 PhD Prize in the Solar and Heliospheric Division by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Topics July 15, 2020
Subaru Telescope and New Horizons Explore the Outer Solar System
Collaborative observations with NASA’s New Horizons mission have been ongoing at the Subaru Telescope since May 2020.
Topics July 6, 2020
NAOJ Researchers Win 2020 MEXT Commendation for Science and Technology
Four members of the NAOJ 4D2U Project have received the prestigious Award for Science and Technology (Public Understanding Promotion Category) of the 2020 Commendations for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.