Closed Job Vacancies (2022)
Archive of closed job vacancies
- Project Research Fellow (Project Researcher on Annual Salary System) (ALMA Project)
- Project Researcher (Annual Salary System) (ALMA Project)
- [The ALMA Joint Scientific Research Program] Project Researcher (Annual Salary System, the research project “Massive spheroidal galaxies and their central super massive black holes under a violent formation phase”) (Stationed at Tohoku University)
- [The ALMA Joint Scientific Research Program] Project Researcher (Annual Salary System, the research project “Investigating the interstellar gas associated with gamma-ray supernova remnants: Pursuit of the production rate of cosmic rays”) (Stationed at Gifu University)
- [The ALMA Joint Scientific Research Program] Project Research Staff (Annual Salary System, the research project “Study of activities of nearby galaxies with atoms and molecules”) (Stationed at Nihon University)
- [The ALMA Joint Scientific Research Program] Project Research Staff (Annual Salary System, the research project “Unveiling the Coronal Magnetic Activity in the Vicinity of Active Supermassive Black Holes with ALMA”) (Stationed at Osaka University)
- Associate Professor (ALMA Project (EA-ARC))
- Project Research Fellow
- JAO Staff (POST DOC FELLOW (2 positions))
- Senior Specialist (EPO Officer, ALMA Project)
- Associate Professor (Advanced Technology Center)
- Assistant Professor (female researcher)
- [The ALMA Joint Scientific Research Program] Project Research Staff (Annual Salary System, the research project “The Chemistry of Protoplanetary Disks”) (Stationed at the University of Tokyo)
- Project Research Fellow (Project Researcher on Annual Salary System) (Astronomy Data Center)
- [The ALMA Joint Scientific Research Program] Project Research Staff (Annual Salary System, the research project “Study of activities of nearby galaxies with atoms and molecules”) (Stationed at Nihon University)
- [The ALMA Joint Scientific Research Program] Project Research Staff (Annual Salary System, the research project “Planet Formation in Protostellar Disks: eDisk and Beyond”) (Stationed at Kagoshima University)
- NAOJ Fellow (Project Assistant Professor)
- Professor (Division of Science)
- Professor (Subaru Telescope)
- Assistant Professor (SOLAR-C Project)
- Assistant Professor (Division of Science)
- Associate Professor (ALMA Project)
- Associate Professor (JASMINE Project)
- Assistant Professor (Subaru Telescope)
- Assistant Professor (ALMA Project)
- Project Research Fellow (Project Researcher on Annual Salary System) (ALMA Project)
- Project Researcher (Postdoctoral Researcher Stationed at Nihon University / ALMA Joint Scientific Research Program)
- Project Assistant Professor (ARC Scientist, ALMA Project)
- Project Research Fellow (Project Researcher on Annual Salary System) (Astronomy Data Center)
- Project Researcher (Exoplanets, Prof. Ikoma group) (Division of Science)
- Associate Professor (Astronomy Data Center)
- Project Professor (Graduate Education Office)
- Associate Professor (Mizusawa VLBI Observatory)
- Full Professor (Advanced Technology Center)
- Professor (TMT Project)
- Associate Professor (TMT Project)
- Senior Specialist (Degital Electronies Engineer, ALMA Project)
- Senior Specialist (EPO Officer, ALMA Project)
- Research Engineer (ALMA Project)
- Project Researcher (Postdoctoral Researcher Stationed at Nihon University / ALMA Joint Scientific Research Program)
- Project Assistant Professor (ARC Scientist, ALMA Project)
- Associate Professor (Advanced Technology Center)