About Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) Project
Based on the scientific and engineering success of 8.2 meters Subaru Telescope, astronomers are preparing to begin construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) as an international science project. With an aperture of 30 meters, TMT will have more than 10 times as much light-gathering power as the Subaru Telescope, and boasts more than 10 times the resolution of the Hubble telescope. Such a telescope, together with other next-generation facilities based on ground and in space, will play an essential role in the 2020s to deepen the human perception of the structure and evolution of the Universe, and the origins of stars, planets and life. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) is responsible for the project in Japan.
Illuastration of TMT and A Prototype of a Segment Mirror
Artsts’ rendering of TMT, a next-generation extremely large optical/infrared telescope. The expected construction site is close to the Subaru Telescope site on Maunakea.
Artists’ rendering of the telescope structure and a prototype of a segment mirror manufactured and polished in Japan. The TMT project is driven by international collaboration consisting of five partner countries including Japan, USA, Canada and India. Japan's important roles in the project includes the construction of the telescope structure and segment mirrors for the primary mirror.