Science January 6, 2006
Cosmological Magnetic Field: a fossil of density perturbations in the early universe
The origin of large scale magnetic fields found in galaxies and clusters of galaxies is still a mystery. Researchers from National Astronom...
Science December 22, 2005
Young Galaxies Grow Up Together in a Nest of Dark Matter
Astronomers have found clear indications that clumps of dark matter are the nursing grounds for new born galaxies about twelve billion ligh...
Science October 13, 2005
A Galactic Space Halo -- NGC2403
Subaru Telescope, using Suprime-Cam, took the clearest most complete image to date of the spiral galaxy NGC 2403. At a distance of 10 milli...
Science September 16, 2005
Asteroids Created the Oldest Craters on the Moon
Four billion years ago, the solar system went through an epoch of collisions that left craters throughout the inner solar system, including...
Science September 16, 2005
Mauna Kea's Giant Eyes Reunite Comet Families
Coordinated observations of the collision of NASA's Deep Impact mission with comet 9P/Tempel 1 by the Subaru, Gemini and Keck telescopes on...
Science September 13, 2005
Hawaii Telescopes Catch Most Distant Explosion
Subaru succeeded in obtaining a precise distance to the most distant cosmic explosion ever seen. Such cosmic explosions, called gamma-ray bu...
Science August 31, 2005
Circumstellar Disk Cradles Young Massive Star
An international group of astronomers has used the Coronagraphic Imager for Adaptive Optics (CIAO) on the Subaru telescope in Hawai'i to obt...
Science August 4, 2005
New Integral Field Spectrograph Reveals the Energetic Gas Outflow from the Supermassive Black Hole
The integral field spectra of the galaxy NGC 1052, obtained by researchers at Kyoto University and the National Astronomical Observatory of...
Science July 21, 2005
Subaru Obtains the Deepest Infrared Image of the Universe
Scientists at the University of Tokyo, University of Kyoto, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and the University of Hawaii teamed ...
Science July 6, 2005
Solid State Laser for Subaru Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics
The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) and the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) have successfully develope...