Science July 3, 2009
A Fireworks Display in the Helix Nebula
The Helix Nebula, NGC 7293, is not only one of the most interesting and beautiful planetary nebulae; it is also one of the closest nebulae ...
Science June 16, 2009
The Most Sentitive Tera-Hertz Reciever
A research-and-development team of ALMA Band 10 lead by Yoshinori Uzawa succeeded to develope the most sensitive and the lowest-noise recie...
Science May 7, 2009
Discovery of a Cluster of Monster Galaxies
An international research team lead by Dr. Tamura (Nobeyama Radio Observatory, NAOJ) discovered a cluster of bright submillimeter galaxies ...
Science April 30, 2009
Detection of the light from the most distant known object
Okayama 188 cm telescope successed to catch the light from the most distant known object in the Universe (13 billion light years away from ...
Science April 23, 2009
Mysterious Space Blob Discovered at Cosmic Dawn
Pasadena, CA--Using information from a suite of telescopes, astronomers have discovered a mysterious, giant object that existed at a time w...
Science April 15, 2009
Creating Diamonds in Space
Do you know that there are countless diamonds in space? Loads of tiny diamonds, each measuring less than one micrometer (much less than the...
Science April 8, 2009
A new solar dynamo mechanism discovered by the Hinode satellite
The Sun has strong magnetic fields as represented by sunspots. The mechanism to create such strong magnetic fields is still a mystery, and ...
Science February 18, 2009
Water ice in the young planetary system - future ocean of the planets?
What is the origin of the ocean on the Earth where the life began? Researchers think that the Earth was formed by the aggregation of a huge...
Science February 13, 2009
Kaguya Mission Reveals a New Global View of the Moon
Scientific teams of the Japanese KAGUYA (SELENE) mission present a new global view of the Moon. One of the team reports lunar global shape ...
Science February 10, 2009
Strong UV Radiation Detected in the Most Distant Galaxies
A team of astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Osaka Sangyo University, Tohoku University, and Laboratoire d'As...