Science February 18, 2011
Direct Images of Disks Unravel Mystery of Planet Formation
The fruits of the SEEDS (Strategic Explorations of Exoplanets and Disks with Subaru) Project, led by Motohide Tamura at NAOJ (National Astr...
Science December 9, 2010
Inclined Orbits Prevail in Exoplanetary Systems
A research team led by astronomers from the University of Tokyo and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan has discovered that incl...
Science December 1, 2010
A very close Binary Black Hole and its Merger
The joint research team of NAOJ and other research institutes succeeded in observing a very close binary black hole just before its merger. ...
Science November 25, 2010
Nobeyama Astronomers Find a Proto-quasar - a Young Super-massive Black Hole - in a Dark Monster Galaxy
An international team led by astronomers at the NAOJ Nobeyama has discovered a candidate for a proto-quasar 11.5 billion light-years away fr...
Science November 19, 2010
Why Do the Ionized Gas Clouds Stream Out from Galaxies?
Using the Subaru Prime Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam) in their observations of the Coma Cluster, researchers from the National Astronomical Obs...
Science November 15, 2010
Development of the reference light source with the world highest quality - successful generation of optical signals with high stability, accuracy, and speed -
The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) and the National Astronomy Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) have succ...
Science October 25, 2010
Hybrid Black Hole Jet: A Novel Jet Model Revealed by Supercomputer Simulations
Structure of a hybrid jets. The novel jet revealed by supercomputer simulations. Jets whose speed is nearly light velocity is accelerated b...
Science September 29, 2010
Discovery of a large number of 'Monster Galaxies' in the early universe
Image of the early universe obtained by the ASTE telescope. Each bright point shows 'monster galaxy' which produces 1000 solar mass per yea...
Science September 7, 2010
Triggered Cluster Formation by the Dynamical Interactions of the Dense Molecular Gas : an Observational Study Using the 45m Telescope
This figure indicates the maps of the four objects, which are triggered by the dynamical interaction of the dense gas components.The young ...
Science August 16, 2010
Japanese Receivers for ALMA Obtained the First Spectrum
Two different types of the receivers Japan developed for ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) successfully obtained the firs...