National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

ESA Strategy, Planning and Coordination Office Directorate of Science Former Head Fabio Favata Visits NAOJ

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Receiving an overview of ATC. From left to right: ATC Director Hirabayashi, NAOJ Director General Tsuneta, Favata, and de Grijs. (Credit: NAOJ)

Fabio Favata, who headed the Strategy, Planning and Coordination Office Directorate of Science of the European Space Agency until last November before moving to the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics, and Prof. Richard de Grijs, Executive Director of the International Space Science Institute-Beijing, visited NAOJ Mitaka Campus on January 9, 2024.

At the NAOJ seminar held that day, Favata gave a talk about the last 60 years of space missions and expectations for the future of space science from the European perspective. The pair then visited the Advance Technology Center (ATC), where they showed great interest in the superconducting receivers and the manufacturing facilities for the 3D printed parts for ALMA. In addition, in the 4D2U Dome Theater they enjoyed the beautiful 3D images of the Universe accompanied by Prof. Eiichiro Kokubo’s commentary. At the meeting after that, there was a lively exchange of opinions with NAOJ Director General Tsuneta, Vice Director General Saito, and Director of Engineering Uzawa.